How to attract more talent – 4 top tips to help you stand out from the crowd

9 minutes
Jo Hodge

By Jo Hodge

We have spoken to many clients recently with a common theme, how can we attract more candidates?

Job levels have continued to remain high this year, and organisations are struggling to fill crucial roles in this competitive market. As many clients are facing similar challenges, I wanted to share some valuable tips and advice on how to stand out from the crowd and attract the best talent to your roles.


Flexibility is key and still highly valued by employees when considering job moves. A recent report by the Chartered Institute of Management highlighted that over 80% of organisations have adopted hybrid working models. Offering flexibility can be an attractive choice for both your organisation and current and future employees.

Benefits of flexibility include savings on city centre premises for organisations and reduced commuting costs for employees. Additionally, it helps achieve a better work-life balance, provides autonomy in work arrangements, and boosts productivity, engagement, and motivation.

A hybrid model allows for a blended way of working, combining remote work with opportunities for collaboration and socialization. Such an approach helps attract, engage, and retain the best candidates for your roles.

Consider offering individually tailored flexible working patterns that cater to each employee's needs:

  • Flexible core hours for stress-free school runs or personal activities.
  • Compressed hours or part-time hours, if feasible for your roles.

Ensure clear expectations about achieving goals as an organisation, and emphasise that you trust and prioritise your employees' mental well-being.

Is your pay competitive?

With high demand for skilled candidates in the non-profit sector, it is crucial to offer competitive salaries to attract and retain the best talent. Conduct research and benchmark against similar organisations to ensure your compensation package is competitive. Consider other non-financial benefits, such as pension contributions and flexible working options, to complement your compensation package.

Remove Barriers

Demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusion is vital to attract a wide and diverse pool of talent. Write job profiles and adverts in an inclusive manner:

  • Use accessible vocabulary and avoid unnecessary "essentials" in job descriptions.
  • Simplify the application process to ensure all relevant candidates have an equal opportunity to apply.
  • Consider using targeted questions relevant to the role to assess candidates' eligibility and provide equal consideration to those with diverse backgrounds.
Take the opportunity to sell the organisation

In a candidate-driven market, it is essential to sell your organisation and the benefits of the role to attract the best talent. During interviews, highlight:

  • How you will help candidates achieve their career goals.
  • The benefits of working for your organisation.
  • Future plans, expansion, and exciting strategies that demonstrate growth potential and value within the organisation.
  • Your mission, vision, and values to appeal to candidates motivated by making a difference in the non-profit sector.

At TPP Recruitment, we are committed to supporting our clients in recruiting for essential roles during a time of high demand. With our sector knowledge and quality of candidates, we can help you stand out from the crowd and attract the best talent. Contact us at 020 7198 6000 or to arrange an informal chat and discuss how we can add value to your recruitment campaign.

  • 020 7198 6000
  • TPP Recruitment, Northern & Shell Building, 4th Floor, 10 Lower Thames Street, London, EC3R 6AF