Top tips on managing your mental health

3 minutes


Top Tips for Managing Mental Health

To kick-start mental health awareness week, our D&I steering group held a virtual session to share top tips on managing our mental health. It was great to hear from so many people, sharing what has worked for them in handling stress and worries. We wanted to share some of the great advice, hopefully, these tips also help you and your team!

  • Talk to a friend or family member you trust - share any problems, worries, or frustrations with someone who won’t judge you and will keep your chats confidential.
  • Do something out of your comfort zone - wild swimming can be a great stress reliever!
  • Do something you enjoy - listen to music, read a book, play games, color, sew, garden - whatever allows you to unwind and destress.
  • List what you have achieved through the day - don’t focus on what you haven’t done; we sometimes forget all the jobs we get done and things we achieve through the day.
  • Laugh - make sure you have a friend or colleague you can have a laugh with; laughing is such a stress reliever.
  • Connect with people - hug, make a meal for someone, visit loved ones.
  • Take yourself for a long bath or shower and unwind.
  • Exercise - anything you enjoy such as walking or running, yoga or weightlifting.
  • Stop reading and watching all the negative news.
  • Write down your worries - detail what is concerning you and then cross everything out you can’t control; focus on what you can control and steps you need to take to overcome it.
  • Have a specific time in your day where you focus on a worry and don’t let worries spread outside of this.
  • Consciously relax your muscles - we are so tense most of the time and don’t realize it.
  • Get some Vitamin D - sit in the sun or shade and take in the warmth from the sun.
  • Say no - don’t take on too many things trying to please others.
  • Feed your brain and your body with nutrition - be careful and mindful of what you put in your mouth; there is a link to what we eat and how we feel.
  • Surround yourself with positive and uplifting people who will make you feel better, not drag you down.
  • And lastly, be kind to yourself and take your own advice.

Follow us on LinkedIn for our latest mental health awareness week news or visit our D&I hub for further information on what we are doing at TPP as well as for our candidates and clients.

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  • TPP Recruitment, Northern & Shell Building, 4th Floor, 10 Lower Thames Street, London, EC3R 6AF