Role of a Home-Start Trustee
Home-Start is a voluntary organisation in which volunteers offer regular support, befriending and practical help to families with young children who are under stress in their own homes, helping to prevent family crisis or breakdown. Trustees collectively oversee the work of the organisation and are legally responsible for all aspects of its operations.
Within the Board, individual Trustees have specific roles that enable them to use their individual skills and experience to lead in particular activities. Each role has specific responsibilities that a Trustee will lead on to enable the Board as a whole to operate more effectively.
Home-Start Barnet (HSB) Trustees give a high level of commitment and reliability in their roles and work very closely with the staff team to enable HSB to deliver a high quality and well-respected service. Trustees are empowered to make well informed decisions through training and reporting systems.
What do Home-Start Trustees do?
Trustees work collectively, to hold HSB in trust for current and future beneficiaries by:
- Attending quarterly Board meetings and any additional sub-committee meetings to keep informed and plan an active role in decision making for Home-Start Barnet
- Providing leadership and direction for the charity within the ethos and values of HSB
- Ensuring that the charity has a clear mission and strategic direction and is focused on achieving these
- Ensuring that the charity’s governance is of the highest possible standard
- Being responsible for the effective performance and management of the charity
- Ensuring that the charity complies with all legal and regulatory requirements, the objects of the charity, the governing documents and quality standards
- Undertaking an ambassadorial role for Home-Start
- Attending ongoing support and training sessions as necessary to enable them to fulfil the requirements of the role
What are the responsibilities of a Home-Start Trustee?
Home-Start asks all Trustees to commit to the Home-Start ethos and to understand and implement relevant Home-Start’s policies which will be explained at the Trustee induction.
Trustees work collectively to:
- Set the strategy and undertake the strategic management of the charity
- Ensure that the charity pursues its objects as defined in the governing documents
- Ensure the charity accounts for its activities to its funders, the relevant Charity Regulators, its members, the local community and others
- Ensure that the charity applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects
- Ensure the financial stability of the charity
- Ensure proper accounting records are kept
- Ensure the proper investment of the charity’s funds
- Ensure that the major risks to which the charity is exposed are reviewed annually and managed
- Ensure the organisation has appropriate risk assessment procedures in place and appropriately mitigates against perceived risks
- Ensure the effective and efficient administration of the charity
- Approve the charity’s policies
- Ensure the charity fulfils its responsibilities as a good employer and is an effective manager and supervisor of staff and volunteers
- Ensure the charity is appropriately insured
- Protect and manage the property of the charity
- Monitor and evaluate the work of the charity and to contribute to quality assurance self-assessments and reviews
- Safeguard the good name and ethos of Home-Start Barnet
What Duties are involved in being a Trustee?
Duties include but are not limited to:
- Scrutinising board papers in advance of meetings
- Approving the strategic plan annually and monitoring progress against it
- Determining and approving the annual budget and monitoring progress against it
- Preparing and approving the annual report and accounts
- Ensuring compliance with the Home-Start Agreement and Quality Assurance system
- Acting within the spirit and in accordance with Home-Start’s equality of opportunity and diversity policies and procedures
- Signing acceptance and understanding of the Home-Start Safeguarding/Child Protection Code of Conduct annually
Individually to:
- Regularly attend Board meetings
- Play an active part in the trustees’ meetings and deliberations
- Exercising due care and attention and using reasonable skill in dealing with the charity’s affairs
- Use own skills, knowledge and experience to help the trustees reach sound decisions
- Avoid any conflict of interests and declare areas where they may arise
- Reflect annually on the board’s performance and your own performance as a trustee
- Take part in Quality Assurance self-assessments and reviews
- Ensure that major decisions and policies are made by trustees acting collectively
- Work within the organisations policies and procedures
What is the time commitment?
- Attendance of quarterly Board meetings held at HSB offices
- Attendance at the Annual General Meeting
- Attendance of any sub-committee meetings for any additional work taken on
- Attendance of training when required
- Work at home to deliver the requirements of the role (estimate 3 hours a month)
What will Home-Start do for me?
In return for your hard work and commitment, you will receive:
- Excellent preparation for your role, through the induction programme course
- Information required for you to fulfil the role appropriately
- Opportunities for self-development and ongoing training
- Social events and the opportunity to get more involved in the charity if you would like (e.g., fundraising, promotional events)
- The opportunity to be involved in a vital local service and to be part of a national network
This is exciting and rewarding work which requires energy, commitment, reliability, creativity and a sense of humour.
Person Specification
- Time to commit to meetings, preparation and additional tasks to fulfil the role of Trustee
- Understanding of and commitment to Home Start Barnet’s work and ethos
- Reliability
- Have a positive, non-judgmental attitude to working with people of any gender, family status or sexual identity, or who are from any ethnic origin, culture, or religion, or who may have a disability
- Have a clear understanding of the confidential nature of the service and safeguarding in the context of family support
- Have good communication skills including an ability to listen
- Have a warm and open personality and a sense of humour
- Be able to work as a member of a team
- Be prepared to attend any training needed to deliver the role.
Training can be provided if there is no prior knowledge or experience of the following:
- Understanding of the Legal responsibilities of a Trustee
- Understanding of effective charitable Governance
- Local knowledge
- Knowledge and experience relevant to the operations of Home-Start Barnet
- Role specific experience to inform an aspect of the Board of Trustee’s responsibilities
This role is advertised as part of TPP's Free Giving Back Services. This volunteer advertisement copy has been supplied to TPP and applicants apply direct to the organisation. Please contact the organisation directly if you have any questions about this volunteer role.